It has been long long time we never go back to Medan to visit Great Grandpa already. Therefore, Grandmother decided to go back Medan on this weekend. Since mummy and daddy were free, we went back to Medan together with Grandma.
On Saturday morning, Chee Chee woke up early easily as she was looking forward for the trip. We all got ourselves ready and headed to the airport. Chee Chee loves to take aeroplane very much. She was pulling her own hand-carry and got everything scanned by herself. She was so excited and had a great time. At around noon time, we reached Medan and met Great Grandpa and everyone at home. Chee Chee, mummy and daddy took a bath and had our lunch together at the dining area. Kim Poh was so kind that she had prepared porridge for Chee Chee as her lunch. Chee Chee was enjoying herself at home and she named the house as Great Grandpa's castle.
After lunch, we followed Grandma and Kim Poh to a shopping mall. As Chee Chee was quite tired at this hour, so she felt asleep in mummy's arms nearly 2 hours. At night, we had our dinner together with Great Grandpa, Kim Poh, 6th Great Granduncle, 6th Great Grandauntie, Grandauntie Sujeni, Granduncle Siwi, Uncle Kenny, mummy, daddy and Chee Chee. It was a very nice and wonderful dinner together. All of us had a great time.
On Sunday morning, we woke up early and had our breakfast at home. After the breakfast, we went to pray Great Grandma.After the praying, we met Great Grandpa, Gu Gong, Kim Poh, Uncle Kenny for lunch. Chee Chee enjoyed the meal very much.
On this night, we had our dinner together with Gu Gong, Kim Poh, Grandauntie Sujeni, Granduncle Siwi. It was a chinese restaurant called "Duck King". The food was delicious and all of us had a great gathering together.
On Monday morning, after took our breakfast, we had to get ourselves ready to fly back Penang. It was a short but pleasant trip. All of us had a very great moment in Medan and of course, Chee Chee hopes to come back again soon.