Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 29, 2008

29 June 2008 - Chee Chee's 8th months birthday

Happy 8th Months Birthday to Chee Chee.... Today was Chee Chee's 8th months birthday.... There is no cake, no party and no present. But mummy and daddy love Chee Chee always. On this day, Chee Chee woke up early and joined grandpa and grandma for dim sum breakfast. After the breakfast, as usual, Chee Chee came home and slept again. After her lunch, we decided to go for a swim at Poh Poh's house again. As it was her second time to swim, so she felt more comfortable and enjoyed. As we want to make it more fun, san yi chang had tried to blow another float for Chee Chee but it was too crowded to put in the pool.

After the swim, we went back home and Chee Chee had a nap at home. Chee Chee woke up at 6:30pm for her dinner and got herself changed by 7:00pm. We went to a Hainan Seafood Restaurant for dinner with gong gong, Poh Poh, grandpa, grandma, san yi chang, san yi yi and si yi yi.

28 June 2008 - Saturday

We was staying overnight at Poh Poh's house on Friday night. So we woke up early on Saturday morning and mummy went to market with Poh Poh. They had bought lots of food for breakfast. After the breakfast, mummy decided to let Chee Chee had her first swimming session at Poh Poh's house. Daddy, san yi yi and si yi yi were busy setting up the swimming pool and float. Ta yi yi had bought Chee Chee a very comfortable float frome Singapore and it is shaded. After an hour pumping the pool and float, Chee Chee had a great time playing in the pool for 15 minutes. As they had put in lots of efforts to pump the pool and float, we decided to keep the water and would be back on Sunday for another swim.

Chee Chee really enjoys swimming, she loves to play in the water. But as we scare, it was her first time she swims and might catch a cold, so she is allowed to swim for 15 minutes per day only. Besides the float, Chee Chee's swimming costume also bought by ta yi yi. Thank you very much to Ta Yi Yi..... Chee Chee loves you so much...muaks muaks muaks... We hope we can go to Singapore one day and swim with Chuan Zheng and Zi Ning.

27 June 2008 - Friday

This is not a special day but it was just a loverly Friday night. Mummy came back from work at 7:30pm and we went to CityBayview for Japanese buffet. It is another regular restaurant for us as grandpa also like this place which is convenient and spacious for Chee Chee. We had a very full dinner and lovely time together. As Chee Chee was dressed nicely, so we had took some photos on this night.

22 June 2008 - Sunday

On this day, there was nothing special that happened to Chee Chee. We stayed at home on this day and played in the room. Grandma had bought Chee Chee a new ball which can make funny sound when u touch it. It was lovely and we spent our day at home playing together.

At night, we went to Ryoma Japanese Restaurant for dinner again. Mummy felt that we had too much of photos at Ryoma already so did not took much photos in the restaurant on that night. We went to this restaurant quite often because grandpa likes this place which convenient and comfortable for Chee Chee.

Monday, June 23, 2008

21 June 2008 Saturday

21 June 2008 was a busy Saturday for Chee Chee. We had a lot of appointments and activities to attend on this day. We woke up at 9am and got ourselves ready by 9:30am. We had an appointment with doctor at 10am for Chee Chee's body check up. It was a general body check up for insurance purpose. The doctor said that Chee Chee is very healthy and she is weight 9kg now.

After the body check up, we went to Poh Poh's house for lunch and had a nap in the afternoon. Chee Chee woke up at 1pm and changed a new dress which bought by ta yi yi from Singapore. It is a lovely dress and looks very nice on Chee Chee. After dressed, we departed to attend Uncle Hun Lin and Aunty Mindy's registration of marriage. Congratulations and Happy Marriage to both of them !!!

After the ROM, we went back home and have a rest. As daddy had other appointment, he was unable to bring us to MuzikGarten on this day. Therefore, san yi chang had volunteered to sent us to the music school. San yi yi and si yi yi also followed us to the class. We had a great time together and enjoyed the lesson very much.

After the whole busy day, we went back home and took a lovely shower. It has been a long time we did not take some shower photo. Just to share some sexy photos with you all here....hahaha...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Mummy is getting lazier and lazier in updating Chee Chee's blog

Today mummy had received several complaints about Chee Chee's blog not being updated. Mummy ah mummy, what's wrong with you? Chee Chee's blog was not being updated for nearly a month. What have you been doing? aiyoyo........ Laziest mummy in the world......

As mummy had stopped updating the blog for so long, she had forgotten where did she stopped. Let's us recall what had happened in the past few weeks. Firstly, 29 May 2008 was Chee Chee's 7 months old birthday. What did we do???? hhmmm..... nothing!!! So next special occasion would be Merline aunty's house warming on 1 June 2008. On this day, all of us were properly dressed and travelled all the way to Merline aunty's new house. She invited all of us for her house warming party. Chee Chee was dressed nicely. On that night, we met a lot of friends and relatives. We also took a lot of photos with Alfred on that night. It was a lovely party and all of us had a great time together.

The main reason why mummy did not update Chee Chee's blog is because she was on business trip from 6 June 2008 until 18 June 2008. Before she departed, poh poh actually had made her some rice dumplings because 8 June 2008 was Dragon Boat Festival and mummy would not be in Penang at that time. Poh Poh also made some extra rice dumplings for Chuan Zheng and Zi Ning where mummy has to bring it to Singapore for them. It was the most delicious rice dumplings i had ever tried.

So, mummy and Chee Chee were seperated for 12 days. It was a long and horrorable seperation, mummy missed Chee Chee like crazy. To reduce the pain, mummy actually watched Chee Chee's video clip everday and night when she missed Chee Chee.

Finally, mummy is back to Chee Chee now. But, after 12 days, Chee Chee looks different and seems like she is gaining weight. When mummy came back on 18 June 2008, she is glad that Chee Chee still remember her after the long seperation. Hopefully no more long seperation in future. 12 days of seperation is too torturing.